The following code implements some of the concepts of the paper:
Reinhard Heckel, Max Simchowitz, Kannan Ramchandran, Martin Wainwright, Approximate Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons, Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 84:1057-1066, 2018.
Number of items
n <- 200
One way to specify parameterize the model is by \(M_{ij} = P(i > j) = \frac{e^{w_i}}{e^{w_i} + e^{w_j}} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{w_i-w_j}}\), where \(w\) is the BTL score.
Create scores
w <- rlogis(n) # compare to Fig. 1(a)
#w <- sample(seq(0, 1, length.out = n)^2) # compare to Fig. 1(b)
w <- w - min(w)
#w <- w/max(w)
hist(w, breaks = 20)
plot(sort(w, decreasing = TRUE), ylab = "BTL score")
phi <- function(t) 1/(1+exp(-t))
M <- outer(1:n, 1:n, FUN = function(i,j) phi(w[i]-w[j]))
diag(M) <- NA
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] NA 0.9990322 0.3378874539 0.662624905 0.0677971854
## [2,] 0.0009677833 NA 0.0004941107 0.001899013 0.0000704481
## [3,] 0.6621125461 0.9995059 NA 0.793759312 0.1247380761
## [4,] 0.3373750951 0.9981010 0.2062406875 NA 0.0357071721
## [5,] 0.9322028146 0.9999296 0.8752619239 0.964292828 NA
Check that \(M_{ij} + M_{ji} = 1\)
table(M + t(M))
## 1
## 39800
Calculate Borda scores \(\tau_i = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i \ne j} M_{ij}\) which is the probability that item \(i\) beats a different item chosen uniformly at random.
tau_BTL <- rowMeans(M, na.rm = TRUE)
hist(tau_BTL, breaks = 20)
rate <- function(i, j, M) sample(c(1, 0), 1, prob = c(M[i, j], 1-M[i,j]))
Compare two random items 100 times
table(replicate(100, rate(1,2, M)))
## 1
## 100
Compare the worst and the best item 100 times
table(replicate(100, rate(which.min(w),which.max(w), M)))
## 0
## 100
H_LUCB <- function(k, h, delta, M, plot = FALSE) {
n <- nrow(M)
tau <- rep(0, length.out = n)
# Initialization: compare each item with a random item
for(i in 1:n) {
j <- sample(setdiff(1:n, i), 1)
tau[i] <- rate(i, j, M)
# interestingly, we ignor the information if j wins!
# number of comparisons (T and u are the same in the paper)
T <- rep(1, length.out = n) # number of comparisons
while(TRUE) {
# calculate alpha and find items to compare next
alpha <- sqrt((log(1/(delta/n)) +
0.75*log(log(1/(delta/n))) +
o <- order(tau, decreasing = TRUE)
top <- o[1:(k-h)]
bottom <- o[(k+1+h):n]
d1 <- top[which.min((tau-alpha)[top])]
d2 <- bottom[which.max((tau+alpha)[bottom])]
top_h <- union(o[(k-h+1):k], d1)
bottom_h <- union(o[(k+1):(k+h)], d2)
b1 <- top_h[which.max(alpha[top_h])]
b2 <- bottom_h[which.max(alpha[bottom_h])]
if(plot) {
ul <- tau+alpha
ll <- tau-alpha
plot(tau[o], ylim = c(min(ll), max(ul)), cex = .2, ylab = "estimated tau (+ conf. interval)")
lines(ul[o], lty = 3)
lines(ll[o], lty= 3)
abline(v = k-h, col = "red")
abline(v = k+h, col = "red")
abline(v = k, col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(h=ll[o][k-h], col = "grey", lty = 2)
abline(v = which(o == b1), col = "green", lwd = 2)
abline(v = which(o == b2), col = "green", lwd = 2)
abline(v = which(o == d1), col = "blue")
abline(v = which(o == d2), col = "blue")
legend("topright", lty = 1, bty = "n",
col = c("red", "green", "blue"), legend = c("k+/-h", "b1 & b2", "d1 & d2"))
r <- readline("Press enter or q for quit.")
if(r == "q") break
for(i in c(b1, b2)) {
j <- sample(setdiff(1:n, i), 1)
r <- rate(i, j, M)
T[i] <- T[i] + 1
tau[i] <- (T[i] - 1)/T[i] * tau[i] + (1/T[i])*r
# the paper ignors j!
#T[j] <- T[j] + 1
#tau[j] <- (T[j] - 1)/T[j] * tau[j] + (1/T[j])*-(r-1)
# termination condition
alpha <- sqrt((log(1/(delta/n)) + 0.75*log(log(1/(delta/n))) + 1.5*log(1+log(T/2)))/(2*T))
if((tau[d1] - alpha[d1]) >= (tau[d2] + alpha[d2])) break
list(T = T, tau = tau, alpha = alpha, k = k, h = h, n = n)
rank_random <- function(M, rep) {
n <- nrow(M)
wins <- rep(0, length.out = n)
T <- rep(0, length.out = n)
for(k in 1:rep) {
ij <- sample(1:n, 2)
i <- ij[1]; j <- ij[2]
if(rate(i, j, M)) wins[i] <- wins[i] + 1 else wins[j] <- wins[j] + 1
T[i] <- T[i] + 1
T[j] <- T[j] + 1
tau <- wins/T
it is h-Hamming accurate with probability 1-delta
r <- H_LUCB(k = 100, h = 20, delta = .5, M)
Number of comparisons
## [1] 60784
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 17.0 44.5 129.0 303.9 513.0 937.0
hist(r$T, breaks = 20)
o <- order(r$tau, decreasing = TRUE)
ul <- r$tau+r$alpha
ll <- r$tau-r$alpha
plot(r$tau[o], ylim = c(min(ll), max(ul)), cex = .2, ylab = "tau")
lines(ul[o], lty=3)
lines(ll[o], lty=3)
abline(v = r$k-r$h, col = "red")
abline(v = r$k+r$h, col = "red")
abline(v = r$k, col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(h=ll[o][r$k-r$h], col = "grey", lty = 2)
plot(r$T[o], type = "l", ylab = "Number of comparison", )
plot(r$alpha[o], type = "l", ylab = "alpha", )
How well was the original score recovered?
plot(w, r$tau)
abline(v = quantile
(w, probs = (r$n-r$k+r$h)/r$n), col = "red")
abline(h = quantile(r$tau, probs = (r$n-r$k+r$h)/r$n), col = "blue")
cor(w, r$tau, method = "spearman") # non-linear -> rank correlation
## [1] 0.9857666
How well was the original Borda score recovered?
plot(tau_BTL, r$tau)
abline(v = quantile(tau_BTL, probs = (r$n-r$k+r$h)/r$n), col = "red")
abline(h = quantile(r$tau, probs = (r$n-r$k+r$h)/r$n), col = "blue")
cor(tau_BTL, r$tau) # should be linear -> Pearson correlation
## [1] 0.9822839
\(D_h\) should be less than h. Number of mistakes in top k
w_k <- order(w, decreasing = TRUE)[1:r$k]
## [1] 34 169 146 22 30 11 164 90 5 20 160 185 76 199 100 19 49
## [18] 42 65 175 108 170 31 115 140 37 102 114 60 99 139 105 44 66
## [35] 23 97 54 177 53 144 84 167 141 195 32 50 104 181 39 187 161
## [52] 67 15 155 182 152 134 101 135 126 137 117 156 17 58 192 198 64
## [69] 95 68 70 110 62 29 83 3 33 124 92 26 91 74 93 148 200
## [86] 165 35 98 166 112 73 107 154 47 77 176 88 133 8 71
tau_k <- order(r$tau, decreasing = TRUE)[1:r$k]
## [1] 5 22 34 146 90 20 164 169 170 11 65 23 32 49 30 76 100
## [18] 115 105 31 161 199 44 108 37 60 19 99 160 54 58 181 177 144
## [35] 175 185 139 102 114 42 84 140 97 67 39 66 182 187 152 17 126
## [52] 50 92 15 195 141 53 167 155 135 104 192 70 134 68 62 137 198
## [69] 117 101 124 83 64 95 35 156 29 3 98 26 110 91 33 165 200
## [86] 148 166 47 93 74 133 88 176 154 77 89 107 73 71 112
D_h <- r$k - length(intersect(w_k, tau_k))
## [1] 1
## [1] 20
rank_random <- function(M, rep) {
n <- nrow(M)
wins <- rep(0, length.out = n)
T <- rep(0, length.out = n)
for(k in 1:rep) {
ij <- sample(1:n, 2)
i <- ij[1]; j <- ij[2]
if(rate(i, j, M)) wins[i] <- wins[i] + 1 else wins[j] <- wins[j] + 1
T[i] <- T[i] + 1
T[j] <- T[j] + 1
tau <- wins/T
tau <- rank_random(M, 100)
plot(tau_BTL, tau)
cor(tau_BTL, tau)
## [1] NA
tau <- rank_random(M, 1000)
plot(tau_BTL, tau)
cor(tau_BTL, tau)
## [1] 0.8325485
tau <- rank_random(M, 10000)
plot(tau_BTL, tau)
cor(tau_BTL, tau)
## [1] 0.9804478
tau <- rank_random(M, 50000)
plot(tau_BTL, tau)
cor(tau_BTL, tau)
## [1] 0.9956556
Small number of items
n <- 20
w <- rlogis(n) # compare to Fig. 1(a)
w <- w - min(w)
phi <- function(t) 1/(1+exp(-t))
M <- outer(1:n, 1:n, FUN = function(i,j) phi(w[i]-w[j]))
diag(M) <- NA
tau_BTL <- rowMeans(M, na.rm = TRUE)
# try this
#r <- H_LUCB(k = 7, h = 2, delta = .5, M, plot = TRUE)
# d_1 ... item with lowest conf. bound
# d_2 ... item with highest conf. bound
# b_1, b_2 ... items to compare with a randomly chosen item (have the largest conf. interval alpha between d_1 and d_2)