MLB Data


MLB Roster


Age Distribution

Weight by height


This dashboard was developed for the workshop Introduction to Programming with R.

More information on flexdashboards can be found at

How to share a dashboard?

Flexdashboards are self-contained in a single html file (including data and figures). You share it with others by sending the html file and they can open it in any web browser.

title: "MLB Dashboard Example"
author: "Michael Hahsler"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    social: menu
    source_code: embed

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
mlb <- read.csv("")

  flexdashboard uses 
        level 1 headers as tabs, 
        level 2 headers as columns and 
        level 3 headers as cards.

# MLB Data
## Column {data-width=650}
### MLB Roster


## Column {data-width=350}
### Age Distribution

plotly::plot_ly(mlb,  x = ~Age, type = "histogram")

### Weight by height

plotly::plot_ly(mlb,  x = ~Height.inches. , y = ~Weight.pounds., text = ~paste(First.Name, Last.Name, Team))

# About
This dashboard was developed for the workshop [Introduction to Programming with R.](

More information on flexdashboards can be found at <>.

__How to share a dashboard?__

Flexdashboards are self-contained in a single html file (including data and figures). You share it with others by sending the html file and they can open it in any web browser.